Well it's been 3 days since I started my challenge and today been worst day for me so far, I'm not playing very good and getting kind of screwed. I did the 10c rebuy tourney and without any rebuys or add on i was able to get to 30k but i got unlucky on two hands and made a major mistake on sb, First off some donk called my raise on KJ pre when i had 99 and got lucky and hit JJ i was able to let it go but it cost me like 4k. Afterwards I got AT on sb which I hate this hand unless i can see a cheap flop and its suited. This guy either on button or 1 before button made a raise and it looked like a steal so I re raised all in and he had AQ unfortunately. This table was over all crazy and very loose so I blame myself for messing up. I also got unlucky in horse free roll had AA2 in stud h/l ended up with AA22 and 8 low vs 76543 when the guy caught on 7th and I'm positive it was either 6th or 7th street he caught it, pretty sure 7th. I also did razz fr and got screwed in about 5 hands, I lost a huge pot when i had 7 low on 5th st and the donk was calling me with Q K showing and some other small stack was raising me, the guy that kept calling with shit ends up with runner runner 6 low. Also had 6 5 3 2 vs like 8 something and couldnt a card to save my life. Basically I'm just running bad today but its ok, there is always tommorow. My first two days are pretty good since i won $ on a freeroll on 2nd day and over all I'm pretty happy how this is going.
Current Bankroll: $9.38 Points: 203.00
Bankroll Update
2 years ago
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